Hey All,
Just a short one, but I thought I would pass on a a tip that a mentor shared with me, and some of the lessons I learnt from it.
A few months ago I was just finishing up on my first client engagement for IBM, and over a coffee a mentor shared a great tip on how to cement the lessons learned from an account which I want to share:
'Write Them Down'
Now I know this sounds simple and even obvious, but go with it.
Whenever you learn something whether it be a quick way to do something, or a lesson learnt from a mistake,
Write It Down!
Now. the idea behind it is that this time reflecting on what you learnt can help cement it in your mind. In addition it is handy to have a record of things you've learnt in your own writing style as just reading lessons other people have learnt can have disparity to your experiences, and you can miss points that are clear to other people as they experienced it.
This doesn't have to be a daily activity (I do it around every 3-6 months), but is definitely something you should allow a little time for.
Following this, you can then systematically review these tips/lessons at a later date and remember the experience associated with it.
To illustrate this, here is one of mine that I'll share: